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Cationic Conditioner 68610-92-4 Imparts smooth, rich feel to hair and skin
Cationic Conditioner 68610-92-4 Imparts smooth, rich feel to hair and skin Cationic Conditioner 68610-92-4 Imparts smooth, rich feel to hair and skin
Cationic Conditioner 68610-92-4 Imparts smooth, rich feel to hair and skin Cationic Conditioner 68610-92-4 Imparts smooth, rich feel to hair and skin


Cationic Conditioner 68610-92-4 Imparts smooth, rich feel to hair and skin

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Hony 30M / Hony 30ML is white or pale-yellow free-flowing powder. This cationic cellulose is easily soluble in water and the mixed solvent composed of water and other water-soluble solvents, but insoluble in ethanol and isopropanol. The solution is colorless or pale-yellow transparent. The tolerance of an aqueous solution of cationic cellulose to enathol is changed with the concentration of the polymer changes
  • Hony 30M / Hony 30ML


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